
I really liked this unit because it was very “eye-opening”. I think this book was well written and fantastic, with my favorite character being Mariam. There are probably a lot of things I learned that I just can’t currently grasp, but I do know for sure that I learned what it’s like for those in war-torn countries, and the reality that there are still places in the world suppressing women.
War is a cyclical process. When a country is war-torn, children who are growing up in the said country are forced to experience the horrors of war daily, and this shapes them. It takes a long time for the country and its people to heal when the people who grew up there don’t even know what it’s like without war.
Hakim, Laila’s father says in chapter 24:
All these people know is war, they learned to walk with a milk bottle in one hand and a gun in another.”
Which undeniably proves my point…
I also found Mariam and Laila kinda inspiring in a ‘GIRL POWER’ kind of way with all they obstacles that they went through, and Mariam sacrifice really got to me.
I plan to officially buy my own copy of the book for both myself and so my mom can read it… I think my mom would really like it.


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